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Tuesday, December 12, 2006 |
Learning to make stuff... |
So, I still can't open up a stupid bowl or dish... But I have gotten better at a different type of ornament.
Here is my very first "icicle ornament." It's going to my 2 year old neice for her yearly ornament Xmas present.

And here is the second one I ever made:

This one is on it's way to England, for my mother in law for XMas.
The background is a framed UP leaf :) I have a set of them that I made last fall when I went home. It was a convenient place to stick a suction cup. It is also a good, clear background. :)
Anyway... I went again last night and picked up 2 ornaments I made last week... (those other two are from two weeks ago!) I'll get a couple of pics of those tomorrow. They're the same style, just a little bigger and better. I tried to make a dish, but ended up just making a paperweight with it. I had a bubble in between the clear and color, which made it really thin on one side.
I'm going to learn to grind Wednesday I think. I have 3 things that need grinding. (flat-ening the bottom)
Hmmm... what else?
Not a heck of a lot really. We're pretty busy this week.
I don't have a single party scheduled for this month, but I do have 5 parties scheduled for Jan/Feb.
I think I'm going to turn my 10 gallon tank into a frog house and get a tree frog. There's a betta in there now, but he's going into a betta barracks that I made as soon as I get the lid in the mail. Hmmm...
I've started doing a "Girl's Night" thing. It's the first time in my life that I am activally, on-purpose, hanging out with girls. It's a little strange, but I'm starting to like it. It's nice to meet people outside of the "AEG" world. I still feel like a gangly, nerdy, uninteresting person, but I think I'm pretty good at faking it. :) At least, I hope I am! lol.
Alright, enough tonight. more tomorrow...
posted by Alana @ 7:53 PM  |
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Name: Alana
Home: Marquette, MI, United States
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